From Clunky to User-Friendly ERP

Have trouble with your age-old ERP that’s visually horrible and takes you so much time every week? Well, we’ve got just what you need.

We’re building a streamlined and visually appealing ERP on Airtable and Make for a client, allowing them to leave soon the horrible Dolibarr. It’s estimated that our client will thus save 4 to 10 hours of tedious repetitive tasks a week. Plus, they already enjoy the polished look of this new tool.

Thank you, @Airtable team, for giving us the means to have our clients go from ‘Aaargh’ to ‘Wooow’ !

Here’s what it looks like: :point_right:t3: :point_left:t3:


Isn’t this a risky move, given how Airtable struggles performance-wise on larger amounts of data and fields? I have about dozens of tables, thousands of fields and maybe 1000 formulas, some are 30k long (madness) and it gets into crawling speed from time to time. I am probably knocking out the fuses at Airtable :wink:
But I can tell you Airtable isn’t built for performance for for ease of use. That’s why they got me hook up.

@itoldusoandso This is a very sagacious comment you’re making here. But it didn’t apply to the client’s use case. They are a small company of several dozens people with a lot of different types of data to handle, but a relatively small amount of data. Nothing Big Data-like.

The reason for my comment was because ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning.