While it is not possible to get a nicely formatted chart like in your example, it is possible to get an approximation in a formula field. Before Airtable released progress bars, people used formula fields to generate pseudo bar charts. The charts required a lot of rounding, for example, to the nearest 10%, and used the REPT() function with different characters. I don’t have the time to write up the whole formula, but you may be able to search for an example. Most of the formulas charts had only two sections, but you may be able to find characters or emoji for three sections.
You can take a similar approach. Because these are linked records, you can calculate the total number of linked records, then number that are “go”, and the number that are “no go”. The easiest way to get the three numbers is with three rollup fields. (It is technically possible with one rollup field and a very complicated formula, but I do not recommend that as you will need to do additional math with the numbers.)
Once you have the three numbers (total, “go” count, “no go” count), you can calculate the percentages. Convert the percentages to a number of characters for each section, and then use REPT() to build the chart.