Why are Airtable webhooks breaking after a while

I have a webhook created for POST in this format… (I obfuscated the string):


I got it from here:

The issue is the hook stops working after a while. For no reason. I made no changes to it for several weeks or months since I created it. When I past the URL that the automation gives me (see picture above), I am getting a 404. When I look at the certificate error it says the certificate not matching the website. When I look at the certificate it points to this site:

and the address is:

So I don’t know if this is Airtable using them or what is the issue.

Is this normal the hooks are failing like this?

I can’t post anything to Airtable through the hook.

You can’t just paste that webhook address into a web browser. Airtable uses POST webhooks, not GET webhooks.

If you’re looking for GET webhooks (in addition to POST webhooks), you would need to use Make’s custom webhooks and custom webhook responses:

Have you reported this to Airtable support? (Yeah, I know support is slow to respond. But if there is an issue with the certificate, there isn’t anything a regular user can do about it.)

Just tested today again and seems issue fixed again working fine :grinning:

Yes, was just testing the link in browser, it wouldn’t show 404 but some other message if it was working. I found it because my touch gesture on Android didn’t work to send the text to Airtable. My little Android gesture macro for Airtable:

Late to the party, but Airtable webhooks expire after 7 days. This is intentional and documented for webhooks generated via the web API, though I’m not sure this applies to Automation webhooks.

If you want to refresh your web api webhooks, then you can run this post request on a schedule: Airtable Web API

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Good to know.

So far so good, other than that hitch, the Automation generated webhooks still continue work even after several weeks.
That’s enough for pushing text to Airtable. I guess that is what Airtable allows without the mandatory exiration on the API webhook.
I hope this is not an omission and Airtable wouldn’t plug this as updating the webhook in the 3rd party application would need to be done manually.

Again broken. It shows 503 Service Temporary Unavailable or 404 Page doesn’t exist.
When I go to the Automation, the webhook is still valid, it still shows same webhook for the automation.
This been going on too long too many times. It stops working every 2 months.

If you’re experiencing reliability issues with Airtable’s incoming webhooks for automations, I would alert support@airtable.com about the issue, and let us know what they say,

Additionally, if you’re having reliability issues, I would strongly recommend using Make’s webhooks instead.

I’ve setup hundreds (possibly thousands) of Make webhooks for my Airtable consulting clients, and I’ve never experienced a single problem with them in 5 years.

Also, Make offers custom webhook responses and many other features that Airtable’s webhooks don’t support.

I am investigating if the reason is being the root certificates may be expired on the Android I was using. It’s an older Android. Newer Android did not experience the issue and continues to work. Both Android tablets have exact same configuration and been using them every day.
The issue now seems coincides with the date when Airtable said they will shut down the old version of API keys.
I assuming the older Android device I was using was perhaps authenticating using an older certificate that Airtable may have let expire with the January deadline for their API interface. Who knows, that could be the reason. I’ll report if I resolve it. The older tablet I use is still pretty good for bing a 12 years old device and still works great simple stuff, but at some point of time all good things come to an end.