Show: URL Shortener (Airtable Block Extension)

Hi all! I recently started developing on Airtable and like the vibe here.

I noticed there wasn’t any native solutions for shortening URLs on Airtable, so I developed a block extension that does it for you: URL Shortener URL Shortener - Apps - Airtable Marketplace
Hope this helps!

Creating this tool was all about delivering value. It’s designed to be user-friendly: generating links is super simple, and the analytics provide detailed insights on your link’s performance. Plus, you can even create a QR code for any link directly within the app.

I also created a tailored URL shortener service on the backend to avoid the steep costs of other services, ensuring you get the most bang for your buck. Even the free tier is meant to be generous and not limiting for most use cases.

Drop me a line with your feedback or any features you’d like to see!


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