Backup or Export your airtable base as CSV automatically

New community looking good! allows you to create dynamic URLs which will give your airtable base as CSV. This is great for backing up your data or formatiing your data for different apps.

Great thing about these URLs is you can easily switch parameters to adjust the data type (CSV, JSON etc), and the columns of the data and what order they are in. You can play around with these parameters using the wizard on CSV Getter. I have tried to make the wizard really user-friendly so any issues let me know.

Main Benefits:

  • URLs are live, and always give your latest data.
  • URLs can be used anywhere
  • CSV and multiple JSON types supported
  • No login or anything like that (just need a contact email)
  • Flexible free trial (no card details needed at first - see if you like it first)
  • URLs can be easily deactivated by disabling the personal access token used
  • URLs have a unique hash which protects your keys
  • All IDs and tokens are stored securely with end-to-end encryption
  • Service is continually maintained and updated
  • No pagination - hitting a CSV Getter URL delivers the full base in one go.


  • Requests take longer for bigger bases (I will soon be adding superfast mode to combat this - updates soon)
  • Does not handle attachments (i have seen this come up before - maybe I could add this at one point!)

This (only 5 minute) video shows you what it is like when you use it:

Let me know what you think TableForums!!

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