Dynamic filtering in linked record fields

It’s finally here. Just thought I would share. Dynamic filtering in linked records


I am still not seeing this option in any of my existing bases. I have looked at workspaces on both Teams and Business plans. Currently only appears to be available when I add a new base.

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I’ve this feature in some workspaces, but not in all. It seems that such updates often require a few days to be fully implemented across the platform.

Do you see any examples where this is available in a Team, or above, (the feature is limited to these plans only) workspace in an existing base? Keen to know if they intend to introduce it to existing bases and this is just a phased rollout.

I’m seeing it in existing workspace and bases, for existing linked record fields.

That’s great news! Many thanks for confirming.

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What are the benefits of this over setting up conditional views in the target linked table and restricting the linked table lookup to that view in the linked table?

For a start, there’s no need to setup pre-defined views anymore, that step can be skipped and replaced with a dynamic filter lookup - but yes, that is functionally the same.

But then further to that step, another dynamic filter can be created based off of a lookup from another table that both the main and the other table (where you’d previously create views) link to. So when you’re in a three way table arrangement, we can now finally drastically reduced the selectable pick list options that are applicable to a record.

To think of an example, maybe a field that schedules tyre maintenance for vehicles. Before, when you’re selecting tyre make, you’d get truck and car tyres, heck even bike tyres! What a pain to sift through all those unrelated pick list options when the record you’re working on is for a car.

With this new dynamic filtering method, the list will now only return tyres suitable for the make of the vehicle you’re servicing.

That said, that’s about the only functionality I’ve been able to implement from this feature. When I try to get tricky and do fancy things, computer says no…