YCode for Airtable

Don’t get your hopes too lifted. It still has bugs, but it’s better. I have a brother-in-law who was an idiot. I helped him reshape his worldview, but he’s still an idiot. In contrast, YCode will get better and likely stay better.

I see YCode as a bell weather, not an ideal choice per se.

But the future of database front and back-ends will probably be a story of fragmentation. YCode may serve only to help us understand what’s next. Glide has certainly demonstrated this to a degree. So, with that, here is why things like YCode and Rowy (as an example) will dovetail nicely with AGI.

Opinion: The idea of monolithic no-code platforms that include both front and back ends may have run its course. If you anchor the best database UI to the most limiting back-end, you end up with Airtable. Finding corollaries is also effortless.

Fact: Many aftermarket platform buyers (Stacker, Softr, etc) typically have one attraction; a front-end that meets business requirements that Airtable doesn’t. The backend is fine; security, web access, etc., not so much.

Fact: Many delighted Airtable customers seek out pathways to meet high(er) data ceilings. They want (generally need) a different back-end. This is where Rowy rises to overcome Airtable’s low operating ceilings.

Fact: AGI shows signs that it can build information tools through careful descriptions. As primitive and clunky as these early experiments are, there is a pattern that can be extrapolated into near-term disruption. GPTPlugins are already demonstrating near-instant manifestations of rudimentary CRUD apps using SQL.

Probable Fact: Rowy is architecturally able to be “programmed” by AI to build a great back-end dynamically. Airtable is not.

Fact: YCode is architecturally able to be “programmed” by AI to build a front-end dynamically. Airtable is not.

Fact: Google App Sheet is a microcosm of this trend; a no-code front-end designer coupled with a back-end of your choosing from SQL to NoSQL, BigQuery, spreadsheet, and Firebase.

Opinion: No-code front-ends and back-ends will flourish in the coming years. It will become a race of specialists. No-code solutions will transition into best-of-breed components beginning with the fundamental decision point - Which front-end and back-end do I choose for this project?

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