Trying install ChatGPT and doesn't work (GitHub code)

I am trying to install this extension but I am getting an error.

I am asked to install it from Github and follow the steps:

Can I solve it? Have no idea. I logged in as su administrator and password as normal to:

mini:~ numberone$ su admini
Password: ******
bash-3.2$ npm install -g @airtable/blocks-cli

I know what you think. If you don’t know what your are doing, don’t run a code as administrator. Now it’s too late anyhow. Maybe using a different browser?

I know there is the other ChatGPT that somebody uploaded here …


But the issue with that one is it is not limited to a few individual in the table. So when I would run it it would run on the individual records on the whole base and not in batch on a subset of records. I thought this one may work better if there is a setting for a View on all records in the view.

(I know Make and Zapier offers this, but been hitting the limit with other automations so need to conserve credits there).

So here is this that was in the output of that log file:

Can somebody tell me if there is an easy fix?

bash-3.2$ npm install -g @airtable/blocks-cli
npm WARN engine @airtable/blocks-cli@2.0.3: wanted: {"node":">=10.0.0"} (current: {"node":"0.12.2","npm":"2.7.4"})
npm ERR! tar.unpack untar error /Users/admini/.npm/@airtable/blocks-cli/2.0.3/package.tgz
npm ERR! Darwin 17.7.0
npm ERR! argv "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" "-g" "@airtable/blocks-cli"
npm ERR! node v0.12.2
npm ERR! npm  v2.7.4
npm ERR! path /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable
npm ERR! code EACCES
npm ERR! errno -13

npm ERR! Error: EACCES, mkdir '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable'
npm ERR!     at Error (native)
npm ERR!  { [Error: EACCES, mkdir '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable']
npm ERR!   errno: -13,
npm ERR!   code: 'EACCES',
npm ERR!   path: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable',
npm ERR!   fstream_type: 'Directory',
npm ERR!   fstream_path: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable/blocks-cli',
npm ERR!   fstream_class: 'DirWriter',
npm ERR!   fstream_stack: 
npm ERR!    [ '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/writer.js:171:23',
npm ERR!      '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/mkdirp/index.js:46:53',
npm ERR!      'FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:95:15)' ] }
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Please try running this command again as root/Administrator.
npm ERR! Darwin 17.7.0
npm ERR! argv "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" "-g" "@airtable/blocks-cli"
npm ERR! node v0.12.2
npm ERR! npm  v2.7.4

npm ERR! Uncaught, unspecified "error" event.
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at:
npm ERR!     <>

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR!     /Users/numberone/npm-debug.log

I looked at the log file and here is what i found there:

0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ 'node',
1 verbose cli   '/usr/local/bin/npm',
1 verbose cli   'install',
1 verbose cli   '-g',
1 verbose cli   '@airtable/blocks-cli' ]
2 info using npm@2.7.4
3 info using node@v0.12.2
4 silly cache add args [ '@airtable/blocks-cli', null ]
5 verbose cache add spec @airtable/blocks-cli
6 silly cache add parsed spec { raw: '@airtable/blocks-cli',
6 silly cache add   scope: '@airtable',
6 silly cache add   name: '@airtable/blocks-cli',
6 silly cache add   rawSpec: '',
6 silly cache add   spec: '*',
6 silly cache add   type: 'range' }
7 verbose addNamed @airtable/blocks-cli@*
8 silly addNamed semver.valid null
9 silly addNamed semver.validRange *
10 silly addNameRange { name: '@airtable/blocks-cli', range: '*', hasData: false }
11 silly mapToRegistry name @airtable/blocks-cli
12 silly mapToRegistry scope (from package name) @airtable
13 verbose mapToRegistry no registry URL found in name for scope @airtable
14 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
15 silly mapToRegistry registry
16 silly mapToRegistry uri
17 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
18 verbose request uri
19 verbose request no auth needed
20 info attempt registry request try #1 at 3:01:12 PM
21 verbose request id 3d4ef00415c0d457
22 verbose etag W/"fa674527bf67517feabfa7e8c805e1b9"
23 verbose lastModified Thu, 02 Mar 2023 17:21:06 GMT
24 http request GET
25 http 200
26 silly get cb [ 200,
26 silly get   { date: 'Sun, 28 May 2023 19:01:12 GMT',
26 silly get     'content-type': 'application/json',
26 silly get     'transfer-encoding': 'chunked',
26 silly get     connection: 'keep-alive',
26 silly get     'cf-ray': '7ce8beaeef98a1ec-YYZ',
26 silly get     'cf-cache-status': 'HIT',
26 silly get     'access-control-allow-origin': '*',
26 silly get     age: '74',
26 silly get     'cache-control': 'public, max-age=300',
26 silly get     etag: 'W/"b3b206adee8495f77ba5f07a4daf814e"',
26 silly get     'last-modified': 'Mon, 20 Mar 2023 20:10:15 GMT',
26 silly get     vary: 'accept-encoding, accept',
26 silly get     'x-amz-replication-status': 'COMPLETED',
26 silly get     'x-amz-server-side-encryption': 'AES256',
26 silly get     server: 'cloudflare',
26 silly get     'content-encoding': 'gzip' } ]
27 verbose get saving @airtable/blocks-cli to /Users/numberone/.npm/
28 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: '@airtable/blocks-cli', range: '*', hasData: true }
29 silly addNameRange versions [ '@airtable/blocks-cli',
29 silly addNameRange   [ '0.0.43',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.44',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.46',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.47',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.48',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.49',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.50',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.51',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.52',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.53',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.54',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.55',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.56',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.59',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.60',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.61',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.62',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.63',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.64',
29 silly addNameRange     '2.0.0-beta.1',
29 silly addNameRange     '2.0.0-beta.2',
29 silly addNameRange     '2.0.0-beta.3',
29 silly addNameRange     '2.0.0-beta.4',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.65',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.66',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.67',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.68',
29 silly addNameRange     '2.0.0-beta.5',
29 silly addNameRange     '2.0.0-beta.6',
29 silly addNameRange     '2.0.0-beta.7',
29 silly addNameRange     '2.0.0',
29 silly addNameRange     '2.0.1',
29 silly addNameRange     '2.0.2',
29 silly addNameRange     '2.0.3',
29 silly addNameRange     '0.0.70' ] ]
30 verbose addNamed @airtable/blocks-cli@2.0.3
31 silly addNamed semver.valid 2.0.3
32 silly addNamed semver.validRange 2.0.3
33 silly cache afterAdd @airtable/blocks-cli@2.0.3
34 verbose afterAdd /Users/numberone/.npm/@airtable/blocks-cli/2.0.3/package/package.json not in flight; writing
35 verbose afterAdd /Users/numberone/.npm/@airtable/blocks-cli/2.0.3/package/package.json written
36 silly install resolved [ { name: '@airtable/blocks-cli',
36 silly install resolved     description: 'Official command line tool for Airtable blocks development',
36 silly install resolved     version: '2.0.3',
36 silly install resolved     homepage: '',
36 silly install resolved     author: { name: 'Airtable' },
36 silly install resolved     bin: { block: 'bin/run' },
36 silly install resolved     dependencies:
36 silly install resolved      { '@airtable/blocks-webpack-bundler': '>=0.0.2 || >=0.0.2-beta',
36 silly install resolved        '@oclif/command': '^1.8.0',
36 silly install resolved        '@oclif/config': '^1.17.0',
36 silly install resolved        '@oclif/plugin-help': '^3.2.0',
36 silly install resolved        '@octokit/rest': '^18.2.0',
36 silly install resolved        '@sentry/cli': '1.73.0',
36 silly install resolved        '@types/cpx': '^1.5.2',
36 silly install resolved        '@types/npm': '^2.0.31',
36 silly install resolved        '@types/tar': '^4.0.4',
36 silly install resolved        archiver: '^5.1.0',
36 silly install resolved        chalk: '^4.1.0',
36 silly install resolved        'cli-ux': '^5.5.1',
36 silly install resolved        clipboardy: '^2.3.0',
36 silly install resolved        cpx: '^1.5.0',
36 silly install resolved        'cross-spawn': '^7.0.3',
36 silly install resolved        debug: '^4.2.0',
36 silly install resolved        express: '^4.17.1',
36 silly install resolved        'form-data': '^3.0.0',
36 silly install resolved        'graceful-fs': '^4.2.4',
36 silly install resolved        'http-proxy-middleware': '^1.0.6',
36 silly install resolved        'strip-ansi': '^6.0.0',
36 silly install resolved        tar: '^6.1.0',
36 silly install resolved        tslib: '^1.14.1',
36 silly install resolved        typescript: '3.7.5' },
36 silly install resolved     devDependencies:
36 silly install resolved      { '@airtable/eslint-plugin-blocks': '^1.0.2',
36 silly install resolved        '@oclif/dev-cli': '^1.23.0',
36 silly install resolved        '@oclif/test': '^1.2.7',
36 silly install resolved        '@types/archiver': '^5.1.0',
36 silly install resolved        '@types/chai': '^4.2.14',
36 silly install resolved        '@types/cross-spawn': '^6.0.2',
36 silly install resolved        '@types/debug': '^4.1.5',
36 silly install resolved        '@types/express': '^4.17.9',
36 silly install resolved        '@types/form-data': '^2.5.0',
36 silly install resolved        '@types/graceful-fs': '^4.1.4',
36 silly install resolved        '@types/mocha': '^8.0.4',
36 silly install resolved        '@types/node': '^14.14.7',
36 silly install resolved        '@types/node-fetch': '^2.5.7',
36 silly install resolved        '@types/react': '^17.0.1',
36 silly install resolved        '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin': '^4.9.1',
36 silly install resolved        '@typescript-eslint/parser': '^4.9.1',
36 silly install resolved        chai: '^4.3.0',
36 silly install resolved        delay: '^5.0.0',
36 silly install resolved        'detect-port': '^1.3.0',
36 silly install resolved        eslint: '^7.15.0',
36 silly install resolved        'eslint-plugin-airtable': 'github:hyperbase/eslint-plugin-airtable#fc6746d7',
36 silly install resolved        'eslint-plugin-import': '^2.19.1',
36 silly install resolved        'eslint-plugin-jsdoc': '^15.12.0',
36 silly install resolved        'eslint-plugin-react': '^7.17.0',
36 silly install resolved        'eslint-plugin-react-hooks': '^2.3.0',
36 silly install resolved        'fs-extra': '^10.0.1',
36 silly install resolved        globby: '^11.0.1',
36 silly install resolved        inquirer: '^8.2.1',
36 silly install resolved        'is-windows': '^1.0.2',
36 silly install resolved        lodash: '^4.17.21',
36 silly install resolved        memfs: '^3.2.0',
36 silly install resolved        mocha: '^5.2.0',
36 silly install resolved        'mocha-chai-jest-snapshot': '1.0.1',
36 silly install resolved        nock: '^13.0.11',
36 silly install resolved        'node-fetch': '^2.6.1',
36 silly install resolved        nyc: '^15.1.0',
36 silly install resolved        'postman-request': '^2.88.1-postman.31',
36 silly install resolved        react: '^17.0.1',
36 silly install resolved        'ts-node': '8',
36 silly install resolved        which: '^2.0.2' },
36 silly install resolved     engines: { node: '>=10.0.0' },
36 silly install resolved     license: 'UNLICENSED',
36 silly install resolved     main: 'lib/index.js',
36 silly install resolved     oclif: { commands: './lib/commands', bin: 'block', plugins: [Object] },
36 silly install resolved     scripts:
36 silly install resolved      { build: 'rm -rf lib && rm -f tsconfig.tsbuildinfo && tsc --build',
36 silly install resolved        ci: 'yarn test',
36 silly install resolved        lint: 'eslint . --ext .ts --config .eslintrc.js',
36 silly install resolved        'pack:typescript': 'yarn build',
36 silly install resolved        postpack: 'rm -f oclif.manifest.json',
36 silly install resolved        prepack: 'yarn install && yarn run pack:typescript && oclif-dev manifest && oclif-dev readme',
36 silly install resolved        'build:compileSmokeTest': 'tsc --skipLibCheck ./test/smoke_test.ts --outDir ./transpiled/test && yarn run pack:typescript && chmod +x ./transpiled/test/smoke_test.js',
36 silly install resolved        test: 'yarn lint && yarn test:types && yarn test:unit',
36 silly install resolved        'test:cov-report': 'nyc --reporter=text --reporter=html --extension .ts mocha --forbid-only "test/**/*.test.ts"',
36 silly install resolved        'test:grep': 'nyc --reporter=text --reporter=html --extension .ts mocha',
36 silly install resolved        'test:types': 'tsc --project tsconfig-testing.json',
36 silly install resolved        'test:unit': 'nyc --extension .ts mocha --forbid-only "test/**/*.test.ts"',
36 silly install resolved        'test:update-snapshot': 'UPDATE_SNAPSHOT=1 yarn test:unit',
36 silly install resolved        'test:smokeTest': 'yarn run build:compileSmokeTest && npm_config_registry= ./transpiled/test/smoke_test.js --blocks_cli_command=$HOME/h/source/blocks-sdk/packages/cli-next/bin/run run',
36 silly install resolved        'test:smokeTest-win': 'test\\windows_smoke_test.bat',
36 silly install resolved        'test:releaseSmokeTest': 'yarn run build:compileSmokeTest && npm_config_registry= ./transpiled/test/smoke_test.js --reinstall_from_npm --blocks_cli_command=$(npm config get prefix)/bin/block',
36 silly install resolved        'test:releaseSmokeTest-win': 'test\\windows_release_smoke_test.bat',
36 silly install resolved        version: 'oclif-dev readme && git add',
36 silly install resolved        release: 'npm_config_registry= release-it' },
36 silly install resolved     types: 'lib/index.d.ts',
36 silly install resolved     installConfig: { pnp: true },
36 silly install resolved     'release-it': { git: [Object], hooks: [Object], publishConfig: [Object] },
36 silly install resolved     gitHead: 'abffcdad8714663f263a418968b399ac57b6fc17',
36 silly install resolved     _id: '@airtable/blocks-cli@2.0.3',
36 silly install resolved     _nodeVersion: '16.17.0',
36 silly install resolved     _npmVersion: '8.4.1',
36 silly install resolved     dist:
36 silly install resolved      { integrity: 'sha512-My6Ua6SeGWqbU59jB/tFu0lL03i7OXTbqZdtEY/yPGdmi5fy+99+gZ+AYJBfY1WQhCCwddFyrB/BF+3D7EpSVg==',
36 silly install resolved        shasum: '2ebf5e4228ba5c62ce6e21b19b9af6d69a35e13d',
36 silly install resolved        tarball: '',
36 silly install resolved        fileCount: 151,
36 silly install resolved        unpackedSize: 292341,
36 silly install resolved        signatures: [Object],
36 silly install resolved        'npm-signature': '-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\r\nVersion: OpenPGP.js v4.10.10\r\nComment:\r\n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\r\nOucGyQ0Z/yS+bcsBUOQyIRqdLeLw9qW66wo=\r\n=ZEi4\r\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\r\n' },
36 silly install resolved     _npmUser: { name: 'fredz-at', email: '' },
36 silly install resolved     directories: {},
36 silly install resolved     maintainers:
36 silly install resolved      [ [Object],
36 silly install resolved        [Object],
36 silly install resolved        [Object],
36 silly install resolved        [Object],
36 silly install resolved        [Object],
36 silly install resolved        [Object],
36 silly install resolved        [Object],
36 silly install resolved        [Object],
36 silly install resolved        [Object],
36 silly install resolved        [Object],
36 silly install resolved        [Object],
36 silly install resolved        [Object],
36 silly install resolved        [Object],
36 silly install resolved        [Object],
36 silly install resolved        [Object],
36 silly install resolved        [Object],
36 silly install resolved        [Object] ],
36 silly install resolved     _npmOperationalInternal:
36 silly install resolved      { host: 's3://npm-registry-packages',
36 silly install resolved        tmp: 'tmp/blocks-cli_2.0.3_1674176424498_0.7804801185352512' },
36 silly install resolved     _hasShrinkwrap: false,
36 silly install resolved     _shasum: '2ebf5e4228ba5c62ce6e21b19b9af6d69a35e13d',
36 silly install resolved     _resolved: '',
36 silly install resolved     _from: '@airtable/blocks-cli@*',
36 silly install resolved     readme: 'ERROR: No README data found!' } ]
37 info install @airtable/blocks-cli@2.0.3 into /usr/local/lib
38 info installOne @airtable/blocks-cli@2.0.3
39 verbose installOne of @airtable/blocks-cli to /usr/local/lib not in flight; installing
40 verbose lock using /Users/numberone/.npm/_locks/airtable-blocks-cli-190ff70669a400cf.lock for /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable/blocks-cli
41 warn engine @airtable/blocks-cli@2.0.3: wanted: {"node":">=10.0.0"} (current: {"node":"0.12.2","npm":"2.7.4"})
42 silly install write writing @airtable/blocks-cli 2.0.3 to /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable/blocks-cli
43 silly cache addNamed cb @airtable/blocks-cli@2.0.3
44 verbose unbuild lib/node_modules/@airtable/blocks-cli
45 silly gentlyRm /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable/blocks-cli is being purged from base /usr/local
46 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable/blocks-cli
47 verbose tar unpack /Users/numberone/.npm/@airtable/blocks-cli/2.0.3/package.tgz
48 verbose tar unpacking to /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable/blocks-cli
49 silly gentlyRm /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable/blocks-cli is being purged
50 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable/blocks-cli
51 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
52 error tar.unpack untar error /Users/numberone/.npm/@airtable/blocks-cli/2.0.3/package.tgz
53 verbose unlock done using /Users/numberone/.npm/_locks/airtable-blocks-cli-190ff70669a400cf.lock for /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable/blocks-cli
54 verbose fstream_path /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable/blocks-cli
55 verbose fstream_type Directory
56 verbose fstream_class DirWriter
57 verbose stack Error: EACCES, mkdir '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable'
57 verbose stack     at Error (native)
58 verbose fstream_stack /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/writer.js:171:23
58 verbose fstream_stack /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/mkdirp/index.js:46:53
58 verbose fstream_stack FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:95:15)
59 verbose cwd /Users/numberone
60 error Darwin 17.7.0
61 error argv "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" "-g" "@airtable/blocks-cli"
62 error node v0.12.2
63 error npm  v2.7.4
64 error path /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable
65 error code EACCES
66 error errno -13
67 error Error: EACCES, mkdir '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable'
67 error     at Error (native)
67 error  { [Error: EACCES, mkdir '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable']
67 error   errno: -13,
67 error   code: 'EACCES',
67 error   path: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable',
67 error   fstream_type: 'Directory',
67 error   fstream_path: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable/blocks-cli',
67 error   fstream_class: 'DirWriter',
67 error   fstream_stack:
67 error    [ '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/writer.js:171:23',
67 error      '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/mkdirp/index.js:46:53',
67 error      'FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:95:15)' ] }
68 error Please try running this command again as root/Administrator.
69 verbose exit [ -13, true ]
70 verbose unbuild lib/node_modules/@airtable/blocks-cli
71 silly gentlyRm /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable/blocks-cli is being purged from base /usr/local
72 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@airtable/blocks-cli

As the Github project advertises…

Say goodbye to tedious, manual tasks and hello to increased productivity and efficiency!

How’s that working out for ya? :wink:

Without knowing your integrated AI strategy, I should say much, but in my view, if developers in a no-code platform have to go through this trouble to perform simple LLM inferencing, it says a lot about AI affairs in Airtable and the project itself. It seems to be adding a layer of complexity that could be avoided.

Is it a custom app extension you are building?

Yes, I followed the steps here for Remix extension from Github:

I’ll try to reach out the developer at GitHub, that’s probably where I should direct my questions but I thought other people may have already used it here.

Yeah, okay - so I built exactly three [React] extensions in Airtable and stopped. It was a brutal environment rife with issues that made it impossible (for me, anyway) to earn profits. It’s possible I’m just a crappy React coder. Worse, they never followed through on the promise of a marketplace.

In my opinion, if you hope to learn a lot about an environment that is seamless, this is a worthy excursion. All other benefits are fleeting and unlikely to ever generate hyper-revenues or profitability.

If you successfully stand up some AI solutions as an integrated extension, know that Airtable will also, and they’ll likely pluck ideas from your solution. Do not be lulled into the idea that Airtable’s AI strategy is poor today and still poor tomorrow. They struggle with innovation at the edge, so they tend to let the aftermarket folks cut the early trails through the jungle and follow behind with a bulldozer.

Lastly, there’s not a lot of evidence after-market extensions are making sizeable profits.

If you can deliver AI services to Airtable customers in other ways, you should test the demand and learn more about customer needs without betting your small farm on the custom extensions path.

Just sayin’ …

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