Powersave - create records and tables from the browser

Hi :wave:

In case you want to quickly save to any table and base right from the browser here’s Powersave. You can clip information from currently opened website, you can create tables and update existing records. This core functionality is free and then there’s AI actions that make the whole workflow much faster.

The whole mission here is to be able to input data to Airtable as conveniently as possible.

Demo video

Feel free to reach out if you need to consult any clipping / saving workflows

If I have time I will try to test and break your extension on Amazon site, haha.

If your plugin works on Amazon site then you got a good tool because the Airtable’s own extension has plenty of issues on Amazon pages and even creating several templates didn’t help when I tried in the past because Amazon pages are inconsistent. Maybe your AI features help. I am using Browserflow extension now and filling in an Airtable web-form.

Any plans to do the same but the other way around?

Filling-in website form from Airtable data?

I can do that now with Browserflow extension via Google Sheets but the thing that doesn’t work is loading images. Browserlow doesn’t load images from external links. So I am still looking for a tool to fill in Airtable data into a web page and then have the tool to load images using Airtable temporary image URLs. There are code-less form automation tools but they are still complicated to setup with Airtable.

Hey @itoldusoandso , yeah I think it should work just fine on Amazon, I mean in combination with the AI clip.

Classic web clippers struggle on a lot of modern sites that don’t use typical class names and instead compile the class names to random hashes which also frequently change as the site is redeployed.

AI clip just picks stuff contextually based on the content itself so it’s much more flexible.

Any plans to do the same but the other way around? Filling-in website form from Airtable data?

I thought about this, but then I figured this does not have to be Airtable extension that much. You could just have a big text field in the extension and copy whatever context you want there. So it could be platform agnostic. You could copy paste some Airtable data there but also write anything. Still a cool idea but if I do this I would build it as a separate extension.

I will check Browserflow, that’s a good tip, maybe I get some ideas from there :thinking:

But I don’t get what you mean by loading images from Airtable. Like load them where? Upload them to some web form? I don’t see a usecase.