What are your top Airtable feature requests?
I’ve got a list of 100+ feature requests, but I’ll start with just a few simple requests below:
Column header title wrapping in grid view, so we can make columns narrow but still see the name of the field.
Added in October 2023):
Number fields: The ability to have commas in number fields, so large numbers like 1,823,298 don’t look like 1823298. Also, the ability for number fields to have international formatting (commas for decimal separators and periods for thousands separators). -
Automation error notifications: We should be able to specify who gets email notifications for automation errors. Right now, error messages get sent to the last person who “turned on” the automation.
The ability to pay for more records & more automation runs, without having to pay $9,000+ per year for Enterprise. (And even enterprise has limits on records & automation runs, without the ability to pay for more records or more automation runs.)
Linked record fields: When trying to link a record in a linked record field, we can currently only search linked record fields by the primary field value. We should be able to search by any field.
Partially implemented in a weak way in March 2024, and added a few new features in May 2024. Still not fully implemented.):
Dynamic choices in linked record fields: Just like the functionality that we can enable in Fillout, it would be amazing if we could have a dynamically-changing list of linked records to choose from, instead of showing ALL records from a single view or table. For example: If you have previously chosen a “U.S. State” in a previous field, when you get to the linked record field for “U.S. City”, that linked record field should ONLY show you a list of the U.S. Cities to choose from that are within the U.S. State that you previously chose. Same situation with choosing a “Vendor” in a previous field… by the time you get to the linked record field for “Vendor’s Product”, you should only see a list of that particular vendor’s product to choose from. Same thing with “Company” and “Contact From This Company”, “Employee” and “Client Attached To This Employee”, etc. etc. etc. There are hundreds of examples of this. Fillout handles this very well, but Airtable doesn’t offer this capability at all. -
Duplicating records in bulk: The ability to select many records at once, and then duplicate all of them by right-clicking on them.
Captchas on forms to reduce spam. 2025 update: This is actually less important now, since most people now use Fillout’s advanced forms for Airtable for all of their form needs. Fillout is 100% free, and offers hundreds of features that Airtable doesn’t offer.
Kanbans: The ability to group stacks by formula fields. We wouldn’t have the ability to drag-and-drop between stacks, but that’s okay.
Sync tables via API: The ability to instantly trigger a sync via the API.
Conditionally-colored cells and manually-colored cells: All spreadsheet apps have always had this functionality, but it’s not available in Airtable. We need the ability to color our cells, both manually and conditionally.
Automatic backlinks to linked records within the same table: Airtable automatically creates backlinks to records that are linked across multiple tables, but it doesn’t create backlinks of records that are linked within the same table.
Implemented in January 2025 in a very powerful way — the sorting has been attached to lookup fields and rollup fields.):
Automatic sorting of the records in a linked record field: After you add linked records to a linked record field, those linked records are always displayed in the order that they were originally selected by the user. There is no way to automatically change the sort order of the linked records without manually dragging and dropping them into a different order, or re-choosing all of the linked record selections in a brand new order by using scripting or Make. This should be natively built into linked record fields.
Please chime in below with your own feature requests!
p.s. If you would like to hire the best Airtable consultant to help you with anything Airtable-related, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consultant — ScottWorld