Adding days and workdays in Airtable scripts


Dealing with date and time operations in JavaScript is always a pleasure :roll_eyes:. I recently needed to add some workdays to dates in Airtable script and I thought it might be helpful to share it here (even in case I need to find it again).

Adding days (regular days) to a date

function addDaysRegular(date, days) {
    let result = new Date(date);
    result.setDate(result.getDate() + days);
    return result;

Adding workdays to a date

function addWorkDays(date, workdays) {
  let endDate = new Date(date);
  let workdaysRemaining = workdays

  while (workdaysRemaining >  0){
    endDate = addDaysRegular(endDate,1)
    if (endDate.getDay() !== 0 && endDate.getDay() !== 6)  
  return endDate;

Note that above function:

  • is reusing the first function
  • could be customized for workdays in Middle East by changing the if statement to if (endDate.getDay() !== 5 && endDate.getDay() !== 6)

Adding workdays to a date excluding holidays

Holidays get tricky and irregular(especially US ones), so I went just for declarative way of describing them, so that pattern is fairly easy to adjust by non-coders . If someone has smarter way of doing this, please let me know.

const holidays = {
  // "day,month": "holiday name for reference"
  "1,1": "New Year's Day",
  "19,2": "test holiday",
  "20,2": "test holiday",
  "21,2": "test holiday",
  "8,31": "Summer Bank Holiday",
  "12,25": "Christmas Day",
  "12,26": "Boxing Day"

And for the main function we reuse previous one with small modification:

function addWorkDays(date, workdays) {
  let endDate = new Date(date);
  let workdaysRemaining = workdays

  while (workdaysRemaining >  0){
    endDate = addDaysRegular(endDate,1)
    if (endDate.getDay() !== 0 
      && endDate.getDay() !== 6 
      && !holidays[`${endDate.getDate()},${endDate.getMonth()+1}`])  
  return endDate;

Here is a link to a scripting block implementing the above functions:

I hope that saves someone some research in the future.